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Case study: Dorchester YMCA


Dorchester YMCA is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation which provides gymnastics coaching for children and adults of all ages and abilities. They also have specific classes for young people with disabilities.

What are they trying to achieve?

Not only does the centre celebrate gymnastics but provides the local community with a range of sports activities. Their organisation is founded on Christian based values to support, assist and encourage others regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality or origin. 

Before using Utility Aid

Before using Utility Aid a member of staff had to spend hours researching the various options available without the certainty of securing a deal with the best value for money.  As a charity they aim to ensure they are investing as much as possible back into their organisation. 

What did we do?

 Utility Aid conducted a full energy audit, switched supplier and advised YMCA on a strategy to protect against rising non-commodity prices for 4 years. Therefore, saving the organisation up to 50% on bills for the next 4 years. The Improved budget security for the foreseeable future with recommendations based on market insights, will allow the organisation to spend more on essential building maintenance, coaching and equipment. 

Our admin team is very busy and any time that can be saved is much appreciated and allows us to work more efficiently

Karen Hofen (Centre manager)


We, Utility Aid, conducted a full energy audit, switched their supplier and advised YMCA on a strategy to protect against rising non-commodity prices for 4 years. Therefore, saving the organisation up to 50% on bills for the next 4 years.


Karen Hofen, the centre's manager, was proactive, took control of the situation and contacted Utility Aid for guidance.

Utility Aid created budget security and freed up funds to directly support the centre.
Karen commented: The main reason for using your company was to save time and money which we can devote to running our organisation. Staff were friendly and helpful, listened to what we said and made us feel as though they cared about us as an organisation.