
The birth of the discovery document
14 October 2024

Utility Aid is partnered with over 90 charitable/not-for-profit organisations across various sectors. To better understand the needs of our partners' members, we have conducted surveys to gather feedback on energy frustrations, limitations, and general interest in becoming more environmentally friendly by reducing carbon emissions, the key factor that stands out above all is cost, it is a significant factor hindering many from pursuing their aspirational net zero goals. 

In recent years, our customers have faced significant challenges, particularly with the energy crisis, and an added frustration was that funding was made available for improvements but was only accessible if you had a base report as supporting evidence, this chicken and egg situation was becoming a regular theme with our Head of Carbon Net Zero recognising the urgent need to create and provide an affordable solution that offers customers a solid foundation and baseline to move forward from.  

Our Head of Net Zero and Carbon Reporting is deeply passionate about reducing carbon emissions and making this accessible to everyone. 

It has been suggested that to reach Net Zero we need to reduce the consumption and carbon output in our built environment by between 60 and 80%.  Our services aim to help organisations reduce consumption in a financially feasible manner, we work with organisations to identify the budgets necessary and promote a methodology based on circular investment - so what they save this year they will reinvest next.  A primary barrier to getting started is having the expertise and the cost of good advice - to make this accessible to all we knew we had to address the cost of an Independent Energy Audit. The remote discovery document has been a fantastic creation in lowering our carbon output and lowering the cost for the customer.” 

Ruaire Glackin  
Head of Net Zero and Energy Management   

For smaller consumers, a site visit is often not feasible, as travel times and accommodation costs mount so we developed a remote discovery document where we send a link to a member of staff or volunteer’s smartphone and then an assessor guides them around the building taking photographs. Often our success has come from saving a client from making a poor investment, but more often organisations have a starting point to take their first steps to Net Zero. The cost is just £195, making it a more affordable option compared to onsite surveys that can cost up to £1,000. 

For larger, more complex buildings we provide an on-site version, a qualified energy assessor from Utility Aid visits the premises, conducts a survey, and enters the information found into Utility Aid’s unique document along with 12 months of energy consumption data. Utility Aid then analyses the data, building type, and energy-consuming equipment to present a report that outlines the saving potential, whether feasible or not. 

If you would be interested in learning more or starting your journey to net zero, click here to complete a contact form.