My First Week
Well, what a week it has been!
I started my Nicest Job journey on Tuesday this week where I headed down to UA's Birmingham offices. I was immediately struck by the passion and dedication of their staff. Such amazingly warm and friendly people who really care about their job and the company. I couldn't have asked for a more positive introduction to UA.
I then got up to speed on what they do, and more importantly what they stand for. It was incredibly interesting and inspiring to listen and witness from the team exactly what UA do. It's become very clear and apparent that all they want to do is help. The whole company ethos is about doing more good through the utility sector to genuinely help save charities, non-profits and businesses money, to help drive that saving back into vital services. UA have managed to save over £11m for their clients across the UK which in turn has led to them putting that money back into their bottom line, driving them forward in a positive and giving way.
On Wednesday I spent the day at VIVA, the brand-led business consultancy behind the refreshed UA identity and the "Nicest Job in Britain". We went through all the awesome work they did on the Nicest Job campaign to help give me a better idea as to why the role exists. It was a delight to sit and listen to them explain the role of National Philanthropy Manager and that my job is to go out and simply help. Using my energy to help drive charities forward in areas that they most need assistance.
On Thursday I headed up to Sleaford where UA's northern UK office is based. There is a larger team up there and it's where UA was founded. I spent time with every single member of the team going through what they do and why they work for the company. One thing that really stuck me was the after sales team. UA offer a value-added service of Invoice Validation (I know, I was lost too). In a nutshell, they take the VAT and other invoices of the charities and go through them making sure that they are paying the right rates and if not, arrange this to be changed and recover any monies that have been retrospectively overpaid. They believe in helping the charities with their utilities to save them money but also to help save and recover any money they may have overspent on. It is this that truly makes UA not only a unique company but an incredibly admirable one, in my opinion anyway. They don't just say they care about the 3rd sector but they go out of their way to help. It’s this passion for what charities and organisations do for this country that runs through the veins of every single employee at this company, all pumping from the heart of UA's offices.
To share a few facts: last year alone, through the Invoice Validation service, they managed to save and recover just over £400,000 for charities and business across the country. Some of whom, I may add, were helped after enquiring despite not being UA clients.
UA is an ethical energy consultancy but I think it's safe to say that the word energy should be looked at slightly differently. Simply put, UA offer 3 types of energy; Gas, electricity and people. I come under that 'people' umbrella which is why I will be heading out on the 19th to my first charity, Resources for Autism to lend a hand helping in whichever way they require.
Here is to my second amazing week with UA.
It really is starting to look not only the nicest but the best job in Britain.