Week 11 - British Heart Foundation | NJIB
Of all the weeks on the Nicest Job journey, this week by far is the most special to me personally. If I may, jump back 18 years to my 8th Birthday. I'm a Christmas baby (I was meant to be born on Christmas day) but was just one week premature. It was around this time that I was a pretty poorly little lad. I had a consistent and deep cough and shortness of breath going on almost 12 weeks. To be perfectly honest I had never been the most 'well' of kids but as my mother tells me, this period was pretty bad.
Quite luckily my aunt worked at my local hospital at the time in the x-ray department. So she managed to squeeze us in, after being told by the doctor 'it was just the time of year, it'll pass'. Well, what followed could only be described as one of the luckiest moments of my life. See, the x-ray picked up that the right side of my heart was 4 times the size of the left counterpart. I had a major hole between he two ventricles on my heart chamber, which until now had gone un-noticed. I was immediately rushed into Bristol children's hospital for pioneering open-heart surgery and I guess the rest is history. I survived, obviously as I am now writing this, but, if it wasn't for that fateful day, I wouldn't be.