Week 12 - National Trust | NJIB
This week's charity really does need no introduction. They tirelessly work to preserve the great sites and landmarks of this fine country and are the National Trust.
I must admit that even my impression of the National Trust is somewhat mis-informed. I like most people instantly assume that they must be one of the wealthiest charities in the country. Owning a vast majority of this countries conservation sites and manor homes, one would, naturally assume that they were flush with cash. But something I have come to understand of most of the charities I visit; this isn't the case. They may be asset rich, yes. But cash rich, no.

This week, without a doubt has been the most beautiful and with the added benefit of extraordinary weather I am leaving the National Trust with a year's membership. Now if that doesn't tell you I've had a good time, then I don't know what will!
Next week I am putting my superhero costume on and rescuing animals with Wood Green Animal Rescue.