Week 13 - Wood Green | NJIB
Some would say that 13 is unlucky, but not for me. A friend of mine text me over the weekend "Have a fabulous time this week Paul! xx." I of course instantly text back replying "Hey! Are you sure that was for me?." Within seconds I received a response. "Yes silly it was for you. Have a great week at Wood Green O'grady." Cheeky so and so's! I know I love animals but I'm not quite that old yet, haha.
So yes, this week I am caring for animals again, not bad for the unlucky 13th charity.

However, luckily, today was pretty quiet so I had a little bit of a private tour. They have a wonderful range of cats from Moggy's through to Bengals and everything in-between. The level of care at Wood Green is truly astounding. The onsite vet visited the small vet suite in the cat department to give every single feline a thorough check over and all required jabs.
After having a few more cuddles I left the charity for the evening, ready for my big day tomorrow in surgery.
Now I'm pretty squeamish. I can't really watch blood and gore on TV and the thought, of putting a needle in my arm ,freaks me out beyond belief. Weird, I know considering my surgery, maybe it's a learned fear. But suffice to say, I was apprehensive at best about my day in surgery on Tuesday.

With a collective 65,000 followers across Facebook and Twitter, I didn't just want to post random content. So armed with my new camera, video editing software and a crazy idea, I set to work. As they say a picture says a thousands words, so I've attached the full video of the content I posted on the day below. I pretty much ran around like a lunatic and had as much fun as I could, whilst delivering key messages!
After being totally knackered from the day I finished up by helping out on the farm with the chickens, goats and even donkeys. I must admit I've never really seen the appeal of these creatures before and indeed the sheer love for the Donkey Sanctuary. But after meeting two wonderful Donkey's myself, I can now understand why they are so successful. After getting a little mucky I headed back to the hotel, ready for an early start.

My last day saw me with the community engagement team; an education division of the charity. It's great to see a charity really giving back to the community by employing people to go out and educate children. We were at a fire station just outside Cambridge with a load of other stalls, giving 15-minute presentations about their chosen topic. Today, we were talking about being safe around dogs. The kids were really engaged and loved it!
I had a wonderful week with the charity and almost didn't leave. However, next week I am with another animal charity, yay! Cuan Wildlife Rescue.