Week 17 - Great Western Air Ambulance | NJIB
So you're on your way home from work, thinking about that dinner you have to prepare, as your guests arrive in about an hour. You're pushing a little harder on the pedal than you usually would, but hey, you're in a rush. All of a sudden everything goes black, your head is pounding and you can't remember what happened. But, you can hear is the sound of blades chopping in the wind.

Accidents happen all the time, unfortunately more than you would like to know. But when they do there is a hospital in the sky that swoops down and does it's very best to save your life.
This week my journey took me to Bristol to visit the Great Western Air Ambulance. The GW Air Ambulance is only one of the few air ambulances across the UK and guess what. It's a charity. Yes, that's right folks. It's not NHS funded and does not come out of your taxes. It is in fact a fully fledged, 100% donation led charity. Very much hidden in plain sight, the air A&E is ready and waiting to rescue you at a moments notice.

GWAAC (Great Western Air Ambulance Charity) operate out of an old unused airfield with the police on the outskirts of Bristol. An incredibly secure facility with a long winding drive; it is the home to the famous GWAAC helicopter. Believe it or not they don't own the helicopter, they rent it out; Including the pilot (which of course needs to be paid) it costs just over £2m a year to keep it in the air and saving lives. That's £2m they need to find from just 5 counties, Gloucestershire (my home county) included. It's an awful lot of money to raise from a small area, but to be quite frank, it is probably one of the most vital service charities I have visited and probably will be this whole year. Without this helicopter, thousands of people over the past 6 years would have lost their life. Fact.